Monday, 7 May 2012

Things are about to get real....

For the past three or so weeks I've been subjected to one of the most nerve wracking experiences of my life.  My poor wife and a very select number of people have been privy to the announcement that I am about to make.

This morning two major events in my life were just made official.

I have been interviewing with Allen-Vanguard for the past three weeks and this morning I sent my official accpetance of their offer of employment.  I will be their new Product Specialist, Explosive Ordnance Disposal.  This is, without a doubt, my dream job and one that I could only imagine up until now.  It still doesn't seem quite real.

We will be moving to Ottawa in four weeks.  We have a lot to do.

Of course, hand in hand with this comes the announcement that after 21 years and roughly six months I will be retiring from the Canadian Forces.  I submitted my request for voluntary release this morning.

I have expressed my intent to have a retirement luncheon/beer call.  Details of this event will be made available in the coming days.

Thank you to everyone who made all of this come together so quickly for me and my family.